Woodforest National Bank w Baytown

Stany ZjednoczoneWoodforest National Bank



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4900, Garth Road, 77521, Baytown, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 281-421-1963
strona internetowej: www.woodforest.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7768693, Longitude: -94.9751054

komentarze 5

  • Krista Myles

    Krista Myles


    Im giving 1 star just to be able to post because there is no lower star level... Unbelievable bank the audacity is outrageous I would not recommend this bank at all it has to be the worst bank in the world the only good thing about this place is parleane at least she tried to help me way more than I can say for the branch who couldn't even be trusted to submit a single form I mean wow idk what else to say every time I go to this bank branch at 4900 garth rd at Walmart in Baytown its a problem of some kind I am so sick of being let down by this bank I don't need the frustration of it all I will definitely be switching banks.

  • william buse

    william buse


    This has to be the worst bank i have ever opened an account with. They say you have overdraft protection but yet still charge you 32$ for being 2$ overdrawn.... I will be closing this account soon and never opening another at Woodforest. Plus they charge you 10$ for a replacement cardeven if the card is worn out

  • Jennifer Tellez

    Jennifer Tellez


    They gave me the wrong account number tied to my name when I was trying to get direct deposit for my job. In result to that, my check deposited in a different account. It’s been 3 days and each day they tell me “tomorrow morning you should receive your funds.” THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!

  • Jenie May

    Jenie May


    The absolute WORST branch I've every dealt with. I'm a long time customer with Woodforest. I've never had worst service. Some extremely rude unhelpful witch argued with me over what I can and can't do to take care of an overcharge. Which I've gotten taken care of no problem before but she put me on hold for a long time and then hung up on me like I was done talking to her. If your at Walmart take your chance otherwise I'd say there a much better and way more friendly Woodforest 5 mins down Garth

  • Jeremy Wells

    Jeremy Wells


    My fiancé and I went to get a money as I have done before. The young lady by the name of Emily Elizondo was beyond rude for no reason. I felt like I committed a crime. She wanted me to write our social security numbers on a spare piece of scratch paper and got our finger prints. I stated that I had not ever had to give my social for a money order but she chose to argue. The team were very unprofessional and had side conversation of weekend intentions amongst other conversations. They should really be trained on service when tending to the financials of a specific individuals.

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