Wells Fargo Bank w Baytown

Stany ZjednoczoneWells Fargo Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4921, Garth Road, 77521, Baytown, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 281-421-9316
strona internetowej: www.wellsfargo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7776179, Longitude: -94.9781477

komentarze 5

  • Tony Mahaffey

    Tony Mahaffey


    I went in this location to deposit some cash into a family member's account. The teller in the lobby said that they don't accept cash for such things, but gave me several options on how to put money into a family member's account. I took one of those options and it worked out better than I had expected. I'm not even a customer and I was treated well.

  • stuffandstuffgames



    This bank does not even deserve one star. Every single time I come the wait times are outrageous even drive thru wait times are terrible. There was one car in drive thru and I sat for 20-30 mins. The tellers are very slow. No matter what I come in for it always takes forever even if there is no line. Slowest bank in Baytown for sure

  • Alicia Cole

    Alicia Cole


    I walked into this bank three separate times in a week trying to be seen for a name change. I was placed on the wait list and waited for over an hour everytime. I had my 6month old baby with me, so I had to leave. One time they notified me three hours later that it was my time up. I was already home. I understand if there was multiple people waiting or the banker is busy with someone, but this wasn't the issue. I went online and scheduled an appointment with Mont Belvieu, & they had an appointment the next day. Once I walked in I was greeted and helped quickly. I was in and out in 10 min.

  • Rick Fahlbusch

    Rick Fahlbusch


    ZERO STARS! It went to this bank on my lunch break and waited for about 20 minutes in the drive thru, thinking I could catch up on email. When it was my turn I was told that I had to go inside because I am only cashing checks and not a customer. Inside there was another line. After another 15 minutes the line had not moved by even one person. Someone comes out to apologize for the wait stating that the tellers are gone to lunch. Why would anyone send tellers to lunch when you know that is when a large amount of customers will be coming at the same time? Just out of morbid curiosity I asked why she wouldn't jump in to help and she seemed put off that someone would actually ask her to do some work. Wells Fargo, you need to get back in the customer game before you lose them all.

  • Joe Shuey

    Joe Shuey


    This is one of the worst Banks ever in North America. Wells Fargo really needs to raise the bar whenever it comes to a professional financial institution. Very limited parking the bank is under staffed and every time I walk inside there are long lines.

najbliższy Bank

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