TV Installation Houston w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneTV Installation Houston



🕗 godziny otwarcia

700, Louisiana Street, 77002, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-858-4108
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7606395, Longitude: -95.3664561

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michael Hogan


    The service was outstanding! Jay came out and personally set up my TVs and surround sound.100% satisfied!

  • en

    Jared Nuss


    TV installation houston was great! Jay got me all fixed up with my Home Theater system!

  • SBC Team

    SBC Team


    5 stars! They give quality service and go the extra mile to make sure We got what we wanted!

  • en

    Candy Beverly


    5 STAR Service! Glad they came out to Kingwood area! Great attention to detail! Love my new home set-up!

  • en

    Executive Assistant


    Best service ever! I was in a real bind my boss wanted is TV installed the very day it was delivered, notification for delivery was less then 24 hours. I called TV Installation Houston, and even through they were booked up the manager was able to squeeze me in the next day. A few hours before they were scheduled to come out I received notification that the company my boss bought his TV from left it off the truck. I was able to call TV Installation Houston, before they headed out, and attempted to reschedule. They were completely booked by the time I received the TV and Wall Mount. I was desperate to keep my boss happy so the owner himself came to do the install. Upon arrival it turned out that the wall mount that was purchased wasn’t the correct one for the TV. Luckily TV Installation Houston had the correct one in stock they came out again and put it up and were so very nice about all the delays. Here’s what I learned you can’t beat a one stop shop! In the future all my televisions, mounts, surround sound, and install will be through this great company. If you think you can find products cheaper maybe, but the time I had to spend, and they spent correcting the initial purchase nightmare wasn’t worth saving $50.00. I totally suggest you use them from start to finish, you will be glad you did.

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