River Oaks Theatre w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneRiver Oaks Theatre


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2009, West Gray Street, 77019, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-524-2175
strona internetowej: www.landmarktheatres.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7526327, Longitude: -95.4091459

komentarze 5

  • L B

    L B


    As one of the older movie theaters in Houston, Landmark maintains its charm by promoting more independent-style movies which attracts a more mature audience. There is a full bar in the second floor and snacks for sale downstairs. No plans on Saturday night? Head out to Epicure cafe for some food and dessert and then go watch a movie right next door at the Landmark.

  • Cake Mae

    Cake Mae


    6th Anniversary of Rocky Horror and it was so much fun! Never been? Afraid what it will be like? Sit in the Back! Still get a great experience but you don't have to worry about audience participation!

  • Ricky Ricardo

    Ricky Ricardo


    Obviously the drinks are my favorite part. Besides that, it’s a fun place to be. Saw the IT movie when it was out, between the drunk laughing and urges to use the bathroom, everyone still managed to jump a few times haha it was a great time and I’m looking forward to going back.

  • Heidi Vaughan

    Heidi Vaughan


    This is my favorite theater in Houston! Well, this and the theater at the Museum of Fine Arts. RO shows the best art house films, it’s small with lots of character, and they have a full bar! The MFAH has great films, but no bar (or free popcorn). Great spot for a date.

  • Clay Kirby

    Clay Kirby


    I went to see the premier of A Very Sordid Wedding here. Absolutely loved the show however..... The beautiful historic old theater is being terribly neglected by the current owners and management. The inside looks so run down and the air conditioning is almost non existent. It really wasn't hot outside but the temperature in the theater got so bad that it was almost unbearable. I was soaked completely with sweat when i was leaving the theater. I love old historic places like this and love the type movies they show however i don't think i will be back unless the problem with the air conditioning is addressed.

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