Edwards Greenway Grand Palace 24 & RPX w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneEdwards Greenway Grand Palace 24 & RPX



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3839, Weslayan Street, 77027, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 844-462-7342
strona internetowej: www.regmovies.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7314862, Longitude: -95.4406668

komentarze 5

  • en

    Heather Engle


    I love that this theatre shows a lot of independent and limited release movies. If this theatre did not show these movies, I would have missed out on some fantastic movies. Yes- they still play the big blockbuster movies as well.

  • Zachary Scott

    Zachary Scott


    Awesome theatre! It is kept very clean and the employees were all nice and friendly. The only negative thing I have to say about it is they seriously expect me to pay to park when I already pay an arm and a leg for concessions and tickets?! Definitely not, so I parked on the side street and we walked to the front lol

  • en

    Altrice N


    Superrr rude short tempered children behind the ticket desk. Use the kiosk and continue to enjoy your movie watching experience. The layout is intricate and kind of fun, but the place could use a more modern face lift. The row seating could be a little more spaced out as there is not much leg room for you to stretch out and relax. Also, the glasses they give you to watch 3D movies are terrible, bring your own if you happen to have them. Though the seem to have plenty of times for movies that have been out for a while.

  • keoni brown

    keoni brown


    Went to see black panther for the second time. The 1st was grand opening day not at Edwards. Today, I went to Edwards and the standard seating for 8:40pm read sold out. I asked was it really and the associate Informed me that it wasn't. I asked why, she just shrugs. The movie itself sound quality was very disappointing. The voices were so low and the bass and effect sounds were damn near like watching TV at home. It was disappointing and i believe all was purposely done. Unfortunate indeed.

  • en

    laura schmidt


    The venue is ok, but. You have to pay $3 for parking. Then, $15 for small popcorn & coke. I got a discount on the ticket but it was still $10. The popcorn, though appearing fresh, isn't. The coke is enormous and that's a small!! I generally do not go to large mega theatres like this one but they had a movie playing that I really wanted to see. This place is nothing special and I would only go in a pinch.

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