Tuning Technology Motorsports, LLC w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneTuning Technology Motorsports, LLC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

200, Broadhollow Road, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-420-1500
strona internetowej: www.tuningtechnologymotorsports.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.714628, Longitude: -73.429065

komentarze 5




    I talked to Bruce about 8 years ago, he was very knowledgeable, helpful, and straight forward with me, and because of that experience I used him years later (today) to do some work to my Jaguar F-Type V8s , and the car came out UNBELIEVABLE! He communicated with me every step of the way, we had great in depth discussions about the project, he’s passionate about what he does, he cares, and is VERY helpful! I’ve seen some bad reviews for him and I can see why people would shy away from using him because of those reviews I was almost one of those people myself, but his knowledge and the work he does is better than any other shop I’ve been to, he knows what he’s doing and after talking with him you can decide for yourself, we had great conversations and his work was even better , I can only speak for myself but my experience with Bruce couldn’t have been better and I would recommend him to anyone

  • en

    AWNeutec tech


    Great place, amazing customer service. I've had TTM work on anything from eco daily drivers to sports cars and they never disappoint. Bruce is a great guy with alot of knowledge who enjoys what he does and his interaction with his customers. I would highly recommend TTM.

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    Bobby Vanmater


    Very knowledgeable and helpful with everything I needed, TTM customer for life

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    NomNom Wafa


    Was looking around for pro tuning shops in Farmingdale to get some performance exhaust work done and came across TTM. The location is somewhat hidden but that’s where the gems usually lie. All I can say is that TTM has a customer for life. Bruce the owner takes personal care of any project that comes to the shop and his attention to detail is second to none. I work a quarter mile away from TTM, not only did Bruce give me the best price around but he also offered to drive me back to work while my car was getting worked on, now THAT’S customer service. His shop even polished parts that had nothing to do with the job and cleaned up my car. Couldn’t be happier with TTM.

  • Bruce Bejsovec

    Bruce Bejsovec


    Very nice shop and extremely knowledgeable company.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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