German Auto Repairs w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneGerman Auto Repairs


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

93, Allen Boulevard, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-694-9300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7153769, Longitude: -73.419414

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dominick Quagliato


    This guy is a lying Thief. I would never bring m car back to him. Worst Ever !!!!

  • en

    Joseph Anthony


    Nice place

  • Roberto Lopez

    Roberto Lopez


    I’m so upset with this guy. I brought my Mercedes coupe and BMW X3. Charged me 800 for a sensor he never replaced. And charged me 500 for a tune up on the C230 coupe while never replaced fuel filter or even the spark plugs. My recent mechanic just to put dates on everything he changed and I got so furious to see all of it while the car started to give me problems. I lost over 1500 with this guy. Seems friendly but it’s a real scammer. Check the gps on my x3 and all he did was drive around with it.

  • Payal & Jay

    Payal & Jay


    Greg at German Auto Repairs is very knowledgable and skilled. He is very detail orientated, takes his time to explain whats wrong with your vehicle and what steps will be taken to correct the issue. Our family has known Greg both professionally and personally for many years. He works on all types of vehicles, both german and not, as well as sprinters. His work is excellent and second to none. I highly recommend checking out German Auto Repairs for your next auto servicing needs. You're the best Greg!

  • Steve Krasner

    Steve Krasner


    Greg is not only a good freind of mine for many many years but he is amazing at what he does. He takes his time explains eveuthing to you carefully and does more then he promises. I have been meanin to write this review for a long time. I strongly recommend him to all my family and freinds. His prices are extremely fair. His people are so friendly and courteous. He is a true professional in every way. I really enjoy my experience here every single time. And this is coming from a guy that always felt like he is getting taken advantage of at the body shop or at my dealer Because they don't explain anything to you , not Greg - he takes his time and makes sure you understand exactly what he is doing. I really love him as a freind And he is wonderful at what he does. !!!!!!!

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