Jiffy Lube w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneJiffy Lube



🕗 godziny otwarcia

35, New York 110, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-293-1033
strona internetowej: nyc.jiffylube.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.710847, Longitude: -73.428265

komentarze 5

  • daisha tomlin

    daisha tomlin


    Had a great experience, Lou was very helpful. I recommend this jiffy lube 100%

  • Mitiya Wright

    Mitiya Wright


    Cool dudes. Everyone is polite, went in to get an oil change, didn't take super long, also, 20% off with a valid Farmingdale student / staff ID

  • don lou the third

    don lou the third


    I think this shop its a great location The mgr its a great person humble and honest.you need more managers like him and his staff a reflection of him.will def recomend every one i know.

  • Dinah Fulton

    Dinah Fulton


    I had the best experience this morning getting an oil change. The staff was very nice and the manager was amazing and very helpful. I definitely would recommended to my friends and family to come get their vehicle services at this Jiffy Lube

  • Sweetly Salted

    Sweetly Salted


    COULD HAVE SEVERELY DAMAGED MY CAR! Went in yesterday for a oil change. Asked the "mechanic" to check the coolant level. Seems simple enough. They let me know the coolant level was low and I asked them to fill it. Service was completed, I left & went back to work. Two hours later on my break something told me to check under the car. Sure enough the car is leaking coolant. Long story short took my car to my regular mechanic and they had overfilled the coolant which caused the leak and also they did not remove a square plate when they changed the oil which led to oil being all over the engine, they also had added a quart too much. Luckily I brought it to my mechanic when I did before any major damage and they drained a quart of oil and cleaned the engine. Also, on my invoice it stated that the overfill was checked (obviously not), that they vacuumed & washed the exterior windows, which they did not. The only compliment I could give was to the cashier, Francys. She was really nice and seemed to be the only one there who knew her job - the one star is for her.

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