Truist w Bethesda

Stany ZjednoczoneTruist



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7220, Wisconsin Avenue, 20814, Bethesda, Montgomery County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-656-5300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.981606, Longitude: -77.0932289

komentarze 5

  • Tuana Tolunay (HersByTuana)

    Tuana Tolunay (HersByTuana)


    This bank is absolutely horrible. They put a security hold on my account, and without giving me any information when my account went to negative balance, they closed the account permanently. Then I received a letter saying that there is a charge off amount that I need to pay in 10 days otherwise it will go to collection department. I am trying to pay that money for 7 days right now and I cannot. Branches of the bank do not help, their fraud department does not answer the phones and customer service says nothing. Also, they do not send me my account balance which is 5.138$ of my salary deposited the day they closed my account. I will try every single legal way to process a complaint about them.

  • William Dyer

    William Dyer


    SunTrust treats long time clients terribly at this branch on Wisconsin Ave. Run, don't walk to another SunTrust.

  • Kevin Bohm

    Kevin Bohm


    Absolutely awful. The manager at this location is not friendly, accusatory, and unwilling to help customers work out issues that are caused by Suntrust's archaic systems. No wonder the bank was acquired.




    I have been a customer at the two downtown Bethesda locations of this branch for three years, and have always enjoyed my interactions with the cheerful staff here. They were especially helpful in helping remedy a problem with an ATM transaction that went awry.

  • Empire Auto

    Empire Auto


    The branch manager Grace is disgraceful terrible. The worst customer service I have ever received. I am great busiess customer and was treated and lied to by the manager.

najbliższy Bank

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