Toby Wells YMCA i San Diego

Forenede StaterToby Wells YMCA



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5105, Overland Avenue, 92123, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 858-496-9622
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.8298007, Longitude: -117.1302942

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amanda Salcedo


    Great place to be a Member and Work! Awesome team of staff members!

  • en

    Clare Bryant


    Very clean gym, but very small. People are constantly having to move out of each other's way and there's such a strong focus on group classes that the space that is available isn't used effectively. Childcare area staff are hit or miss with how nice they are or if they are even staffed accordingly, which is odd for people who are supposed to love kids. Playground outside is awesome and we'll put together, my son loves it there. There is a pool and hurting, but no sauna. Overall, great place, but need serious improvements concerning space and staff.

  • Bryce Goose

    Bryce Goose


    Good YMCA, nice staff, cool events. Better than a typical YMCA. Clean too

  • en

    D Kroeger


    Very nice Y, with an awesome playground. The facility is new and well maintained, kept clean. Great mix of classes for kids and adults.

  • ty coon

    ty coon


    Love this place. Always clean and childcare is great. Does get busy during the late afternoon on weekdays, but other than that great place with great staff

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