9Round Kickbox Fitness - Kearny Mesa i San Diego

Forenede Stater9Round Kickbox Fitness - Kearny Mesa



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4411, Mercury Street, 92111, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 858-430-6414
internet side: www.9round.com
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Latitude: 32.820792, Longitude: -117.148222

kommentar 5

  • Nicole Moon

    Nicole Moon


    The trainers are not only knowledgeable, but friendly, encouraging and so much fun! I always feel welcome and comfortable, even on my less energetic days. It’s more than a workout, its a fun way to get healthy and feel like you’re apart of a family.

  • Robyn Kelly

    Robyn Kelly


    Love the drop in style. (no class times). Workout is always challenging - I’ve been seeing results quickly. It really works the core strength - never felt stronger in my life! I appreciate all the trainers, especially one on one focus and help. And they are so fun and remember everyone. The heart rate monitor and pulse points system make me push myself. I know I would slack off without seeing that immediate feedback on the screen while I’m working out.

  • Nikkilynn 619

    Nikkilynn 619


    Hands down the greatest gym I have ever joined! The staff the atmosphere and the clients make this gym more like a family! Best decision I ever made!!!!

  • David Levine

    David Levine


    I love the pre-planned, short yet effective, fun, and intense workouts. Trainers are awesome too! It makes me actually want to go and look forward to going to the gym. I used to hate the gym, but not anymore! No gymtimidation here either.

  • Arricka Likavec

    Arricka Likavec


    I love this gym! A good friend invited me to go to 9Rounds with her on her one week free pass and had me hooked after the first class was over. I left feeling with my mood boosted and physically exhausted at the same time, if that makes sense! I have not trained that hard in a very long time and ONLY in 30 minuets but it was so much fun at the same time. The gym is cozy, clean but has a no nonsense atmosphere that you are there to work. Lauren is an awesome trainer who knows her stuff and she is definitely what I need to challenge my body out of its comfort zone. However, the trainers work with all fitness levels and will modify curcuits to fit your needs. Why 9Round is the place for me: I was a long time Fit4mom/Stroller Strides member when my now 5 year-old was a little tot and it worked in those short years for fitting in a good fitness routine with child in tow. Then Kindergarten hits and it was hard transitioning to find something that would get me my natural mood boost and fit my different schedule, especially with so many different choices of fitness centers in San Diego, it is nice to have finally found my fitness niche for this new phase in my life. There are no class times, so you show up and start your 1st round and have the bonus of a trainer to show you correct kickboxing techniques etc. Before you know it, 9 rounds, 3 minutes per round are done and you can go about your day! So... If you are not a yogi, not into Barr, Pilates or need a change from those large corporate gym clubs ( 24 Hour Fitness I am talking about you) please check out 9Round you will be pleasantly surprised.

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