Bikram Yoga - Kearny Mesa i San Diego

Forenede StaterBikram Yoga - Kearny Mesa



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4411, Mercury Street, 92111, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 858-277-9642
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Latitude: 32.8203168, Longitude: -117.1483419

kommentar 5

  • Monica Villanueva

    Monica Villanueva


    I have been coming to this studio since 2009 back with the original owners Toni and Ray. It has always been a warm and welcoming place with positive energy all around. I've tried other studios in San Diego, Bikram and other kinds of yoga, but I always end up right where I started, here. The studio is clean, stylish, has showers, has drinking water (not a given in every studio I've been too!). It has undergone a lot of changes with the new owner JoJo, and though different, it's still the best place to practice yoga in all of San Diego, as far as I'm concerned. Try it!

  • Vera Sanchez, Author

    Vera Sanchez, Author


    Love this place. The teachers are great, motivating, and well experienced. I come here for Bikram yoga, yin-yoga, and pilates. I highly recommended the studio.

  • Pete Lazic

    Pete Lazic


    I enjoyed 90 min session of Bikram yoga and will come back for more! Nice looking studio with friendly crew.

  • en

    Sink Swim


    This place is amazing. Especially after the gorgeous remodel. If you want a nice calm relaxing places to get your butt whooped this is the one. Plus its only $20 for the first week so what do you have to lose for checking it out ? Love you guys!! Namaste.

  • Kerry Flanagan

    Kerry Flanagan


    I have been practicing Bikram for over a year now and visited a few of the studios here in San Diego. Was a bit hesitant before coming to this one and was very pleasantly surprised at how nice it was. Nice studio, nice instructors, nice showers, nice free water, nice class schedule with a 2:30 class, nice online services, nice fellow yogis, nice heat, nice clean carpet, nice mirrors.

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