TigerChef w Suffern

Stany ZjednoczoneTigerChef



🕗 godziny otwarcia

27, Chestnut Street, 10901, Suffern, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 877-928-4437
strona internetowej: www.tigerchef.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1154, Longitude: -74.153173

komentarze 5

  • Usand Sports

    Usand Sports


    One of their suppliers tried to scam me; had to fulfill my order elsewhere

  • en

    Huvi S


    Customer service really went above and beyond to ensure my order arrived in time for my wedding. I called when I placed the order to inform them of the (very soon) date I needed it and they put a rush on the order, no additional charge! thank you tigerchef!

  • Chris Atencio

    Chris Atencio


    Easy, placed my order online, received my confirmation number, received the tracking number, tracked my shipment and received. Very easy

  • Virginia Borders

    Virginia Borders


    These hot-handle holders didn't fit my cast-iron skillet handle. The shipping was too expensive for me return these holders, so I've just lost out on this purchase altogether. What a shame, I thought I had found just what I was looking for! Customer Service was kind enough to call me about this, tho - for that I recommend them, highly.

  • en

    Esther Shin


    Their online store charges before shipping and will cancer your order if it is out of stock. The charge will appear and they fail to refund issues unless you check and call them. They are a fraudulent company. They have no procedures in handling credit cards numbers as well. They email you your credit card number as a form of salutation. Ex: Dear 4988xxxxxxxxxxxx, All numbers showing by the way. I formally entered a complaint on BBB.

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