Blackman Plumbing Supply w Mahwah

Stany ZjednoczoneBlackman Plumbing Supply



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270, New Jersey 17, 07430, Mahwah, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-529-5500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0910089, Longitude: -74.1547024

komentarze 5

  • Michael Harrington

    Michael Harrington


    I’ve been in the high end residential industry in Manhattan for the past 20years and Ariella’s knowledge of plumbing and the construction industry is incredibly impressive, coupled with her keen sense of design makes her, and Blackman Plumbing the place to go for those who care about their renovation at a price that’s untouchable. Ariella and the staff at Blackman made us feel welcomed and were so attentive to our needs going the extra mile and staying on almost two hours past her work hours to finish our order. Their selection and showroom is delightful. Thanks again Ariella!!!!

  • MarieOdile McGill

    MarieOdile McGill


    Great selection and display of products with a range of prices. I would recommend working with Alex; he is extremely knowledgeable about all the products and it is very easy to work with him.

  • Jennifer McCurdy

    Jennifer McCurdy


    I had such a wonderful experience working with my salesman, Alex Pereyra. He is professional, knowledgeable, and patient. He worked with me to make sure I was happy with the products I chose and a few times stayed beyond the end of his shift to assist me. I am very satisfied with my experience here and will certainly return to Blackman Plumbing Supply in the future for my future projects. Thank you!

  • en

    Celeste Gebhardt


    As a designer I look for professional suppliers with a depth of knowledge, great follow up and the ability to suggest a variety of solutions to any design issue I might encounter. Alex Pereyra is the consummate pro. The best input on any project is a sales person like Alex. Starting next project with him in November. Wouldn't go to anyone else!

  • en

    Caron Heller


    Pasquina was amazingly helpful and knowledgeable in helping us pick out the toilet , pedestal sink and faucet for our powder room project. She listened to what we were looking for and even made sure that everything was in stock before we made our final decisions. We really appreciate how easy she made our decisions. Thanks

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