Executive Furniture Corporation w Mahwah

Stany ZjednoczoneExecutive Furniture Corporation



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380 Franklin Turnpike, Mahwah, NJ 07430, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-670-8500
strona internetowej: www.executivefurniturenj.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0821929, Longitude: -74.141405

komentarze 3

  • J Gordon

    J Gordon


    Executive furniture provided my medical office with beautiful well crafted furnishings for my entire office. They were able to offer me everything I needed at a one stop shop, and were a pleasure to work with. The customer service was exceptionally knowledgeable and beyond pleasant.They were able to assess and identify my needs, while offering me competitve pricing. I would strongly recommend utilizing this company for personal decorating in home offices, large medical offices, and everything in between. Extremely satisfied! A+++

  • Boris Dzevel

    Boris Dzevel


    I've been shopping around for some furniture for my new apartment for a little while. I stumbled across this place somewhat randomly and decided to check it out. I was pleasantly surprised! The selection is great, the employees are all extremely nice and helpful - you don't see that often, if ever - and the environment is relaxed (nobody's pushing the "jumbo desk 3000" on you). I ended up finding the perfect desk set at a reasonable price. I couldn't be happier.

  • en

    William Clinton


    I work at an investment bank in NYC. Executive Furniture came to the Financial District to measure and gave us a fast estimate. Their prices are very competitive! We decided to go with 20 work panel stations, two executive suites, and 3 conference rooms. Their design and delivery team were on time and installation was flawless. I would recommend Executive Furniture for any type of project, small or large!!

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