The Fountain Spa en Ramsey

Estados UnidosThe Fountain Spa



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1100, New Jersey 17, 07446, Ramsey, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-327-5155
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0692313, Longitude: -74.1338138

comentarios 5

  • jodywins



    In March 2009, a family member purchased me a $100 gift certificate to The Fountain Spa in Ramsey, NJ towards any spa or salon service for my 40th birthday. Less than two months later, I had a bone marrow transplant due to unexpectedly being diagnosed with leukemia. Since that time, I have been in and out of the hospital with relapses, multiple infections and major surgeries. My last surgery was November 17, 2017. On May 17, 2018, I contacted the spa to discuss my options of either using it or giving it to another person. I was advised that a manager would have to call me back to discuss my options. Later that day a manager returned my call to tell me that I can use the certificate or transfer it to someone else until March 14, 2019 but it is now only worth $50 since I didn’t use it within two years. When I questioned why, I was advised that it depreciated because I didn’t use it within two years. When I mentioned the fact that depreciating gift certificates are now against the law, her response was it didn’t come illegal until 2013 so since I received it 2009 they are able to depreciate it up until then. I expressed my disappointment especially since the reason I was unable to use it up until now was due to medical issues and couldn’t understand why they could not make an exception due to these extreme special circumstances and her response was this is the best I can do. There is no reason to depreciate a gift certificate to half the face value especially due to extreme health conditions and now it is illegal. Can you reach out to them and help reach management to allow me to the full credit of the gift certificate. I do not work and as it is their massages are more than $100. With me on permanent disability I will not be able to afford any service there with the $50 they want to depreciate it to. Heartless people!!!

  • Maria Grinshpun

    Maria Grinshpun


    I hate to leave negative reviews but I have to warn other customers. I had a facial with Veronica and it was awful. She is very rough and careless. She left so many red marks on my face and I had blisters formed next day on my face due to excessive pressure she applied during extractions. My skin is so much in pain and it's gonna take some time to heal now. I get facials regularly, at least once a month and never had such poor experience. I can't stand the fact that I paid someone to harm my face. Stay away from Veronica!

  • Sam Farkas

    Sam Farkas


    I was there yesterday for a swadish couple massage this was a taste of haven, I came out so fresh, everything is so clean, very friendly service, And the Jaccuzi Tubs are so romantic, prices are really descent for such a highend spa, would Definetly go again. THIS IS THE PLACE TO CELEBRATE LOVE....

  • Moriah Ormsby

    Moriah Ormsby


    Just got my facial done here and I must say it was heavenly. I got the microdermabrasion facial, which really gets out all the dirt that is sucked into your pores and removes dead skin. The person who did my facial was Lisa. She did an amazing job and had my face looking brand new! I highly recommend her because not only is she knowledgeable, she makes sure she handles each one of your needs. She even massaged my back, arms, neck, legs, hands and feet, which I didn’t expect at all. I left on cloud nine and my face was glowing!! Thank you Lisa for an amazing pleasant experience! You were so sweet and I will definitely be back!

  • en

    Lesley Marsilio


    The service was amazing. My massage therapist Kim was perfect. Talked when I felt like talking, was quiet when I needed to be in my own place. The massage she gave me was the perfect amount of pressure. Facilities were super clean. We had lunch in the Tranquility Room. It was delicious and the service was great!

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