Belle Nail en Ramsey

Estados UnidosBelle Nail



🕗 horarios

21, Interstate Shopping Center, 07446, Ramsey, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-825-8888
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0667627, Longitude: -74.1372409

comentarios 5

  • en

    cheryl zura


    Clean! Educated! And lovely place tonget your nails! Must go and try it out! Great massage chairs! Staff is always a pleasure! Sue is fantastic!

  • Christine Park

    Christine Park


    I work in the area and decided to come in a few weeks ago before leaving for a business trip. The salon is every well kept and clean. The service was great, and I even got a little shoulder rub while sitting at the drying station. AND my gel manicure still looks good even after two weeks. Will definitely be back!

  • Amber Deal

    Amber Deal


    This place is under new management now and they are fantastic. Really nice folks who take great care of their customers. I got a gel manicure here and it looked amazing. Will definitely be back here soon!

  • en

    Renee Lamontagne


    I came in for a set. I was told it would be $100. I said no thank you I would just have a manicure. He then he offered a "deal" I was charged $80. instead. I just looked at the web site and the deal for a set is $50.00 (usually $100.00) thru march. I ended up paying for the extra massage also. I just realized they didn't even offer me the deal they were advertising. I hope scamming me out of $30.00 was worth future business.

  • en

    Tiffany Kim


    With the new owner, Lisa, taking over, I am absolutely loving the service at this place. Everyone there is really welcoming, and I would definitely come back here again. Overall, such a pleasant experience and loving my nails so far!

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