Sublime en Ramsey

Estados UnidosSublime



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171, Lake Street, 07446, Ramsey, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-825-4700
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.060859, Longitude: -74.1247145

comentarios 5

  • Cynthia Slamiak

    Cynthia Slamiak


  • en

    Barbara Doherty


  • ScreaminGames & More moss

    ScreaminGames & More moss


  • en

    Sharon Gallen


  • Michelle Neidkowski

    Michelle Neidkowski


    I used to love this salon-not any longer. I went the weekend before Thanksgiving for a trim. Yes, my hair is not in the best condition-I dieted aggressively last year & my hair thinned, and I have new/damaged growth. I had been been flat ironing it as a result to get it smooth. Each time I went in lately, I felt like I was being berated, especially the last appointment. It is NOT ok to make your clients embarrassed about the condition of their hair in front of other stylists & customers, especially after I showed up on time for my appointment & waited 20 minutes to get my hair washed, & another 10 for my cut after I was washed, and while I was sitting in the chair getting my hair cut, Amy decided to open a package that had come for her. Seriously? I don't want to leave a salon & feel worse and that day I I really did. Tell me how to improve my hair's condition and don't make me uncomfortable & embarrassed. Don't tell me each time that I have "residue" in my hair. I wash my hair every day. And then when it's suggested that I get a keratin treatment, I was told maybe I could ask for a gift card for Christmas since it's expensive. 1-I'm not giving this salon any more money 2-I can afford $300 for a keratin treatment since I work, thank you very much 3- A gift card for the salon is not what I want for Christmas. I'm done with Amy & this salon.

Salón de belleza más cercano

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