The Fireplace Factory w Bohemia

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Fireplace Factory



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1601, Lakeland Avenue, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-585-3473
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7836579, Longitude: -73.112108

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adeel Rajput


    Place to go to if you are looking for some high end products. Owner was extremely helpful and took his time to answer all our questions.

  • en

    Chris Barone


    Norm is lieing thief and a piece of garbage! Good luck gettibg your deposit back if you change your mind because it wont happen. He will ttry and strong arm you and treat you like he is better then you! He will try and sue you and make you feel cornered he is a piece of garbage good luck dealing with him!

  • en

    Ralph A.


    Purchased and had my new beautiful gas fireplace by the fireplace factory. We love our new fireplace. The staff at the fireplace factory were knowledgeable, courteous and professional. The installation crew did a great job and helped me troubleshoot a small problem I had at first and stayed in touch with me till the problem was solved. I highly recommended them.

  • en

    Mary Kritzer


    Great, great service!! Everyone I dealt with was really helpful, knowledgable and they followed up on everything! High quality from start to finish! Really happy with the quality of the fireplace, with the professionalism at all steps of the buying experience and with the attention to detail and care on the installation!

  • en

    Tom Sullivan


    We ordered a fireplace insert from The Fireplace Factory, and found the service from the showroom (Anthony), to the install (Norm & Chris) to be absolutely perfect. Their team took the time and effort in the showroom to help explain the difference between vented and non-vented insert options and walk us through how they work and the different options we could choose from for our home. Norm, went above and beyond to also address any concerns we had about how they operate given we are first time home owners, and also describe different options for tailoring the install to achieve a beautiful aesthetic result, without compromising safety, and making sure it was easy to use. Chris, the install technician, was extremely thorough, taking time to install neatly in our home, and was very patient with us to make sure we knew how to operate the insert, answer any questions we had about operating the insert, explaining how our damper works, and offering his contact information in case we ever had an issue. We are very happy with our fireplace insert, and the level of service we received from The Fireplace Factory, and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a fireplace or accessories.

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