Total Air Comfort w Bohemia

Stany ZjednoczoneTotal Air Comfort



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1633, Sycamore Avenue, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-588-2200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.783942, Longitude: -73.123691

komentarze 5

  • Robert Hogan

    Robert Hogan


    Great to know that there's a company out there that is very knowledgeable in HVAC

  • Joseph Riccio

    Joseph Riccio


    I really didn't get the feeling that they wanted to fix my heating unit. My two quotes that were given were absurd & ridiculous; could be because I had an emergency during the coldest week of the season. I will say that their customer service department was very friendly & understanding were able to quickly help while i had a billing concern.

  • en

    Joanne Avery


    I have called Total Air Comfort on at least 3 separate occasions for emergency repairs to both my central air units and my gas heater. Each time the response was nearly immediate and the service was the same day!! The owner and his staff are thorough, knowledgeable, and clean, and the prices were very fair. (They even have a coupon on their website!) They fixed a problem in 2 hours that another very big, very popular island-wide HVAC company was not able to diagnose or repair! I highly recommend their services!!!

  • en

    franziska bernhard


    Our first experience with Total Air Comfort was last year when our gas burner stopped working. During a snowstorm. On a weekend. Eddie came by at the end of a long workday to drop off two electric heaters and to check what parts were needed. He came to fix our unit on Sunday morning and had us up and running in no time! The second time was on this winter's coldest day...Eddie called me back within minutes and he talked me through a simple fix. This kind of exceptional customer service is very rare.

  • Robert Peck

    Robert Peck


    Total Air Comfort is professional, speedy and very thorough. We had a large "puff back" in the winter and they came in rapidly to fix to avoid pipes freezing - further, they do top quality work. I highly recommend!

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