THE aRT OF HAIR INC. en New Windsor

Estados UnidosTHE aRT OF HAIR INC.



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148, Temple Hill Road, 12553, New Windsor, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-787-5500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.4576962, Longitude: -74.0593239

comentarios 5

  • Melissa Gambatese

    Melissa Gambatese


    I absolutely love this place- Michelle and Jessica are the best. I have been coming here for three years for my curly hair cuts and coloring needs. I am so happy I found it!

  • paula mari

    paula mari


    I travel from PA up to visit my dad who lives near The aRT OF HAIR. Michelle and Mia both are extremely talented and the cuts shape and form last for months. Good thing. Because if I had to drive up to get my hair cut from where I live in PA, it'd be 3 hours each way! Thanks Michelle and Mia.

  • Mariya Nicole

    Mariya Nicole


    I've got my haircut yesterday with Mia for the first time in this salon and it is just perfect! In general I'm kind of "not easy" client, but she did an excellent job. Apart of having a great stuff the place also have a very nice interior design, different from your regular boring "all plain no character" salons, which says a lot about the owner, team, creativity and vibe. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Bemaster Ofyourself


    My hair was dreadfully over processed and the colour had to be applied twice by a young gal there. (Not Michelle). Yes, I paid for both. Not at all worth the 300+ dollars I paid. ********UPDATE******** I received a phone call from the "The Art of HAir" yesterday. They very bluntly asked me if I was the one who wrote this review, then proceeded to ask me if I would remove it, continuously, throughout the conversation. It was awkward and extremely uncomfortable....

  • en

    Emily Westbrook


    At Art of Hair, you get NYC quality/aesthetic at a Hudson Valley location and price point. Michelle and her staff are versed in all the latest techniques and trends, but are never gimmicky. They have an innate ability to envision and bring forth their clients' "best selves," something that can't be taught or imitated. Science, artistry, and experience come together to deliver great results.

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