J Hollywood Salon en New Windsor

Estados UnidosJ Hollywood Salon



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401, Windsor Highway, 12553, New Windsor, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-565-0979
sitio web: jhollywoodsalon.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.4563206, Longitude: -74.055437

comentarios 5

  • MAC



    Wish I could give negative stars for this place. They messed up my hair so bad. It looks like they didn’t even try. I swear a 2 yr old could do better. There must be lots of fake reviews for such a highly rated place.

  • T K

    T K


    Stay away! Wife went in wanting to be blonde, walked out with darker hair then before. Beware of the 5 star reviews. Lots of fake reviews for this business.

  • Adriana Monkaddem

    Adriana Monkaddem


    I've been coming here since I was 13 and now I'm 20 . They are so nice and they really get to know you and not just do your hair. I am always happy with my hair when I leave. I have crazy curly hair and not all places do the Japanese treatment. I hope they are here for a long time.

  • en

    Danny Li


    I have been going here for quite sometime now and every time I come, it has been a pleasant experience. Jimmy, Vincent, and Michelle are always nice and welcoming. They always get me in chair very quick even though I don’t make an appointment. I’m always impressed with the way my haircut turns out. Would recommend 10/10

  • Jerome Hernando

    Jerome Hernando


    My family has been going to J Hollywood salon for almost 2-3 years now and every service we received has been fantastic. Getting an apppintment is never a problem. They’re extremely accommodating and they will always try their best to squeeze you in their hectic schedule. Jimmy, Michelle and Vincent are amazing team. Excellent service and awesome results! Highly recommendable salon.

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