Glamorous Salon and Spa Inc. en New Windsor

Estados UnidosGlamorous Salon and Spa Inc.



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420, Windsor Highway, 12553, New Windsor, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-476-5385
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.4549554, Longitude: -74.0573127

comentarios 5

  • en

    Irina Demmel


    Horrible experience. I got a groupon and came there for service, which was scheduled and confirmed by phone. The owner refused my groupon stating that the price was incorrect and offered to do only manicure for $14. Right in front of her business there is a sign stating a price of $25 for mani-pedi package, but she was insisting in the conversation with Groupon people that pedicure cost $30. Blatant lie. I think they place groupon price there to lure new customers and then make them to pay more. The place itself looked dirty and unkept, so i was fortunate that she rejected my groupon as I was unsure about the quality of her service. Stay away from it!

  • Gillian Ramos

    Gillian Ramos


  • Wanda Luciano

    Wanda Luciano


    Great service!

  • en

    ericka payne


    Im giving one star because i have no choice..This business should not even get 1 star. I call up and im asked if i want an appointment, i agree and make an appointment...being busy that day i call back and ask if i can change my appointment and it is told to me that there is no problem changing it. I arrive 10 mins before my appointment and am met by 2 woman. One, on her way out states il be with you in a few minutes and leaves....the other is taking care of a customer...45 minutes later the 1st lady comes back and now takes care of me.. They dont know how to put rollers on, they can not blow out hair without a straight iron.. The young girl did not even seperate my hair to begin blowing it out and so i decided to leave without any work done except to wash and condition it....They still charged me $35 just for a wash and then proceeded to tell me my hair was hair reaches my shoulder....very very very displeased!!! Do not go here if you have any kind of volume to your hair they DO NOT know how to do hair!!!

  • Danielle weck

    Danielle weck


    Just awful don't ever get your eyebrows done there doesn't even deserve one star

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