Ted Herrmann's Auto Body Inc en Scarsdale

Estados UnidosTed Herrmann's Auto Body Inc



🕗 horarios

151, Summerfield Street, 10583, Scarsdale, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-723-2240
sitio web: www.tedherrmannsab.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9775404, Longitude: -73.8046658

comentarios 5

  • Ralph Whitehead

    Ralph Whitehead


    Ted Herrmann's is an old school autobody shop, great workmanship and personality. I've have used him many times and he always professional. I would recommend this shop.

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    Jay Ruiz


    Great customer service and excellent work. None better, that’s for sure.

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    Lewis Fechter


    My car took months to repair. It was always someone else's fault..usually "the adjuster. Over the last three-four weeks of the repair process it was expected that my car would be ready each Friday, yet it never was. Something is very wrong.

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    JC Lionti


    Just horrible customer service!! When I first got there it was al smile and friendly jokes. When it came to follow up on making a appointment, I add to deal with 2 very rude people, the owner and his wife, who did not want to really listen to anything I had to say (they cannot be wrong, they have been in the business for years...) and quickly hung up on me telling me to go abuse someone else! I wonder how they manage to stay in business with those customer care standards, or maybe they have been in business for too long. I will gladly take my car somewhere else!

  • John T. Gilbreth

    John T. Gilbreth


    I have been over to Ted Herrmann's over the years with many different cars, and they match the paint so well you never know where the accident was on the car, and on top of that the people working for Ted are kind and so helpful, and will try go out of their way to fix little things on the spot. They call me a regular customer, not because I have a lot of accidents; but, because I would not go anywhere else. It is simply the most outstanding operation in low Westchester (possibly the county). I feel like family!

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