Mattys Auto Body en Scarsdale

Estados UnidosMattys Auto Body



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130, Summerfield Street, 10583, Scarsdale, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-472-4325
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9778965, Longitude: -73.8060107

comentarios 5

  • Wilson Gan

    Wilson Gan


    I went to mattys and received an estimate late last year. I finally decided to go ahead and get the body work done last month. I am very happy with the results and the price was very reasonable. . Thanks Mattys for the wonderful work! I only wish I did it earlier!

  • Alexandra Schembri

    Alexandra Schembri


    Extremely professional employees. Great work! I wouldn't go anywhere else!

  • Brian Canes

    Brian Canes


    December 5, 2016 Dear Matty and son Just to let you know how much I appreciated your service last week. You agreed to have my Sienna front panel and bumper ready Thursday noon after I left it with you Tuesday morning. This was short notice and your compliance was above and beyond. Your son was kind enough to bring me to Dave's Shell so I could pick up a 2 day rental at 10:30. My Sienna was ready as promised on Thursday and in addition, all scratches not part of the job on the van on the side and back were taken out without charge and without even saying so. Wow. Again your son followed me to return the rental at 1:00 pm. Avis announced that they were going to charge me a full day $140 extra for being 2 hours late. The 2 day had cost $90. When I objected Avis would not back down, Dave told them to do an early return at 10:30. When I thanked him Dave said he did it out of respect for Matty and Sal. Double wow. You guys are the greatest. Thanks again. Regards Brian Canes

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    Ken Rilander


    I just had a repair done at Matty's. It was high quality and reasonably priced. They also completed the job as promised; on time and perfect. Matty and his son are honest and know what they are doing. I've dealt with them for more than 20 years-only about a half dozen jobs; each one is perfect. I recommend them highly.

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    Jen Miller


    I had some less than perfect repair work done here. I'll start with the good: Matty is a nice guy. He's friendly, courteous, will talk with you, etc. His shop is also conveniently located next to an Enterprise location, which makes dropping off your rental very easy. The bad: The repair work is not great. When I got my car back the body gaps were huge and inconsistent. I remarked about this, but he told me everything was correct and that the car looked how it should. I had some more work done on my car not long after (I was hit in the same spot AGAIN). The new body shop I took it to asked me if the car had been previously repaired because the body gaps were way off and parts of the vehicle were never straightened properly. This confirmed that I was correct when calling Matty out the first time. When they glued the front emblem back onto my new bumper, they left epoxy all over the edges of the emblem, oozing out onto the paint. This looked absolutely horrible. They didn't repair the two front wheels as they were supposed to and as was billed in my estimate. They never sent the car for alignment, which they were supposed to. I had to take it back to have them send it out for alignment. I don't understand how they could overlook and miss so many crucial parts of the repair. I will not be bringing my cars back here, ever.

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