Mavis Discount Tire en Scarsdale

Estados UnidosMavis Discount Tire



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865, South Central Avenue, 10583, Scarsdale, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-472-0960
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9940759, Longitude: -73.8203513

comentarios 5

  • en

    Marion Franchini


    They have repaired every problem that I had with my car with quality care, courteous service and reasonable prices. After three visits, I have made them my primary "go to" mechanics.

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    Charles Mitchell


    They changed management. They are rude, even when you try to be polite. I will never go back there again. I'm sure they don't care, and I think they stole my spare tire.

  • Robert Altro

    Robert Altro


    Staff was friendly and helpful. I got the work done I needed done. They worked with me to have it done for when I got out of work and got a ride back so I didn't have to sit and wait.

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    Prem Gulati


    My order was taken immediately had no wait and my job was done in 30 min and staff was courteous and respectful

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    An Yan


    I wish there is a zero star option or half star option to choose. This is the worst place for your tires or for your car service. The reason I gave a one star is their dishonesty. I went this shop for the first time today because I had a flat tire and found a nail in the tire. They told me on the phone saying come over, we can fix it with patching the tire. After I went to their shop. they ask me to drop off the car for them to fix. Then, when I went back home, they called me again, saying the tire cannot be fixed but can be replaced with a new tire. I was told the price is $307. I eventually didn't do it because I just changed the new tires about 1 month ago from the dealer. And they sounds like not telling the truth about fixing my tire. So I called my car dealer and was told if a new tire needs to be replaced, the price is $ 270 totally. In another word, Mavis charged more than the deals. Then, I decided to try another shop before I go tot the dealer. This time, the car tire shop fxed my tire within 30minutes, and charged a very small amount of money. From my experience with this shop, you will see its dishonesty.

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