Sushi Mocorito en Phoenix

Estados UnidosSushi Mocorito



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6823, North 35th Avenue, 85017, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-249-1211
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5366052, Longitude: -112.1331609

comentarios 5

  • en

    sergio Hernandez


    Customer service was not acceptable. Refills were not offered. I have two babies no high chair or booster seat offered but I did get up to get one, they were all dirty. I went right when they opened so if those seats were disgusting the while place is probably not clean. The food is a failed attempted in mimicking "sushi" cuisine but the freshness of the vegetable garnishment were an insult to the art of sushi.

  • paola Angelina

    paola Angelina


    I was very excited to try the food joint, enjoyed the "guamachulito" but I have a receipt that I paid $17 with some change. But when I take a look at the bank statement it shows that I was charged $20.50! The point is that's suspicious to me, I wish it was not too late to go back and claim the money. So I will Never reccomend anyone to use their bank card because apperantly they will charge you as they please.

  • en

    Brenda Camacho


    You get what you pay for. Service was not good, went on a Wednesday for dinner. Sushi rice was a little sweet

  • en

    Kate Wallace


    We were in the area and needed to kill some time so we thought we'd go get some food. Found this place on google, with all great reviews, so it seemed like a great choice. Also, we're sushi-holics, so were pretty excited to try this place out. The rolls looked great and were huge (we got the tricolor), but when we ate it it was mostly a lot of mushy rice and cream cheese. Not really what we were expecting. Soo I guess if you're searching for more of a traditional sushi (with the non-mushy sushi rice) maybe go someplace else? It was a nice experience but definitely not a go-to for sushi-holics.

  • en

    Andrea Uribe


    I can't speak for the food but I can say that they lie about their hours!. I called at 9:30 since their facebook page, google, and their personal website says they close at 10:00. Spoke to Christina at the 35th avd and glendale location. She explained to me that they close at 10 so they no longer were accepting dine in orders. Which i can understand. I asked if one can still place a to go order. And she stated that was okay. So i explained i was literally 5 minutes away she said that was fine. I get there to find the doors to be locked. And I called she answered the phone asked if I was the one at the door laughed and waved and said sorry they were closed. I stated she should have told me that before we hung 4 mins earlier she said she was sorry but everything was closed. Like i understand wanting to leave on time but if your establishment has certain hours adertised and you know someone is headed to your establishment common courtesy to keep the doors open! I got there within the 5 minutes i had said I would be there. I would have loved to try the sushi after seeing great reviews but probably won't be visiting this business again.

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