SUBWAY®Restaurants en Phoenix

Estados UnidosSUBWAY®Restaurants



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3415, West Glendale Avenue, 85051, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-973-3037
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5381021, Longitude: -112.1329622

comentarios 5

  • Flite Factory

    Flite Factory


    The foot lungs are very good here!!!!

  • en

    Dona Kay Hakes


    The sandwich I had was good. It was the daily special black forest ham. I was looking forward to one of there pizzas but this location doesn't have pizza, so sandwich it was. Nice servers, tables needed cleaning but we were there at lunch time so understandable. I will go back.

  • Alma Aispuro

    Alma Aispuro


    Clean and fast service!! Best is ITALIAN BMT

  • en

    Lina Trejo


    I loved coming here up until recent the service has deffinetly declined! I tried to give it a second chance and get my flat bread as usual and falls apart as I am removing the wrapper. Not only is it brittle, it is also not holding. I called (Virginia) and all she said they can do is wait for me to talk to someone on Monday. Really? I came right after the park with my daughter got our food went home to relax and now they want me to go back for another flatbread. They should have never served that in the first place if the young lady noticed it, explains why she took a lil while to wrap it up. had to transfer all the veggies and meat to regular sandwich bread. What an inconvenience... I won't be going back to this Subway anymore.

  • en

    Mariana Escobedo


    I've been to better subways, maybe the workers should be more happy or at least pretend they are happy to work there. But they are fast and get the job done.

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