Arby's en Phoenix

Estados UnidosArby's



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6850, North 35th Avenue, 85017, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-841-8129
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5378407, Longitude: -112.1347588

comentarios 5

  • en

    Kyle Barger


    Whomp! Whomp! Ordered #5 Mid Roast Beef Sandwich combo. Drove home, opened sandwich and bun was too burnt to eat and hard as a rock. Drove back to Arby's and met with Chrisandra (sp?) and asked for a refund (Lost appetite by now). Was told she could only re-make my order or set me up for food at a later date, but NO refund of my measly $9.76. This is not the first time this location has delivered inedible food, but I assure you it is the LAST!! I am done and not happy that she would not honor a refund. Not Cool!

  • Louise L.

    Louise L.


    I haven't had Arbys in a really long time.... not sure of what to get, so I ended up with the Reuben sandwich combo with a chocolate shake. It was so delicious! Would have been nice if the bread was a little grilled.. but overall, very good!

  • yolanda flores

    yolanda flores


    Great food! Drive thru speaker not so great. Customer Service is good. Only my order is some times missing or has added items

  • Rachel Kierce

    Rachel Kierce


    Just Went Through The Drive Through. My Order Was Wrong And They Don't Answer The Phone. So Make Sure You Double Check Your Order for expensive fast food to be missing items you were charged for and no way to even communicate once you can't go back ensures customers will not be returning.

  • Juan Hernadez

    Juan Hernadez


    It was quick and easy the staff was polite. The drive through was efficient and we were in and out in a second. The only thing is the drive through is some whay narrow and makes it easy to miss. Other than that it's great.

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