Supercuts w Shirley

Stany ZjednoczoneSupercuts



🕗 godziny otwarcia

999, Montauk Highway, 11967, Shirley, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-281-8000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8043445, Longitude: -72.8595331

komentarze 5

  • en

    eleazar Lamarche


    26 dollars for this, I just left and didn't say anything..

  • Sayde F

    Sayde F


    My hair dresser did a great job especially dealing with my hair request. I was a walk in and seen as soon as I walked in the door. For the people who had to wait you must of went at a time that they had someone in the chair already. If some is going to take the time to listen to what someone else wants and the time to cut someones hair I wouldn't mind waiting because that just means they will do the same for me. Don't go to get your hair cut if you can't be kind and patient and then expect to get good results. I've been in and out of thus location for years and never had any of the problems I've read in these reviews so it may be the person not the business think about that for a minute. Thank you for everything Montrice ❤❤

  • Christian Deleon

    Christian Deleon


    Ok haircuts. Call ahead to make an appointment and still have to wait an hour after getting there at the time they tell me to.

  • Gary Weiner

    Gary Weiner


    Good place for a quick and cheap cut.

  • Joseph Di Chiara

    Joseph Di Chiara


    Good for a quick haircut. Because there are so many hair stylists that work there, each one will do the same cut a little different. I would find the one you like and always try to get them.

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