Kimmi's Nail Salon Inc w Mastic

Stany ZjednoczoneKimmi's Nail Salon Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1154, Montauk Highway, 11950, Mastic, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-772-2600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8028317, Longitude: -72.8568644

komentarze 5

  • Alfred Denigris

    Alfred Denigris


    Good Family Salon. Great customer service and friendly staff.

  • crystal mosley

    crystal mosley


    Nice and quiet place to relax while getting your pedicure nails eyebrows etc...

  • Alyssya Bowen

    Alyssya Bowen


    Everyone was kind, and helpful! My first time there and the woman whom did my nails did them amazing and the fastest I've ever seen in my life, I was in and out with and full set in 25 minutes and they took me in as they were about to close, such good people! Will definitely be back 😁

  • Carina Vicente

    Carina Vicente


    Heard great things about Kimmi's but stayed loyal to my regular place. Until I kept allowing myself to get stuck with the new technician. I decided to leave my comfort zone and try it. I didn't even need to say much, she knew what I we looking for and she fixed the disaster I allowed myself to walk around with for two weeks. Great and cheap!!!!

  • en

    Maggie Miglionico


    Got gel nails done they chipped in 2 days. I called and was told the gel nail dryer was not working properly and they received numerous complaints. They informed me I could come in and have my nails re-done for free. I informed them I couldn't come in till the following week. I was told that was fine. When I came in, I asked if I could change the color too, I wouldn't mind paying something towards it. They all starting talking in a different language making faces (how rude!) She took my old nail color off and told me it was going to be full price! They admitted the gel machine was not working and many people were complaining about their nails chipping! She said I should have come in sooner but was told over the phone I could come in the following week. I even offered to pay 1/2 the cost, they said no!!! They were all so rude! It was there fault and they admitted it! It's not even about the money, didn't like Joe they started talking to each other in a different language again, so rude!! I will never go back to that horrible place again!!!' I walked out without getting my nails done!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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