Headcutters w Mastic

Stany ZjednoczoneHeadcutters



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1355, Montauk Highway, 11950, Mastic, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-281-4500
strona internetowej: www.headcutterssalons.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8049469, Longitude: -72.8505324

komentarze 5

  • en

    Raymond McNamara


    Waited fro get my hair cut the problem is receptionist ignored customers if you didn’t have an appointment and let hair dresser have a half hour conversation with a client after he was done. Would not recommend this place to anyone

  • en

    Frank Armengol


    Friendly staff and they do an excellent job when they cut your hair. Have never been disappointed.

  • en

    Valerie LaRue


    I was recommended to have my hair cut by Karen so I made an appointment with her. I have never been so happy. My hair is difficult to cut and I have had many bad experiences in the past. She takes the time to explain exactly what she is doing and kept me educated on how to keep my hair healthy. Thank you Karen. I will not only be coming back but I will be sending friends and family to you as well. 4/21/18 Just had the most strange experience today at headcutters. The shampoo girl was washing my hair and put her hand on my forehead and was praying over me for like 10whole minutes. Really nuts! I love my haircut by Karen but that was a little too much. Next time I will wash my own hair and just do cut and blow dry.

  • en

    Elizabeth Murphy


    Great haircut! Very pleased.

  • Alex None

    Alex None


    Horrible. I went to get my prom hair done here and even though I specifically asked for very tight curls and showed the stylist the photos she gave me loose curls and by time I arrived at school the curls were nonexistent because of lack of hairspray and she didn't even try with the braid that I wanted over my head like a crown type of thing which I also showed a picture of. I couldn't even complain because of lack of time so I basically spent 75 dollars on something I could've easily done at home, plus tips. When I called for an appointment the women said that she gave me the best stylist. False. Very dissapointed with their work. Used to love them.

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