Supercuts i Brewster

Forenede StaterSupercuts



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1511, New York 22, 10509, Brewster, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-940-0185
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.4203373, Longitude: -73.5785924

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edwin Richter


    I was told it would be a short wait nearly an hour ago. Would have done other errands at the mall while waiting.

  • Eggugat



    Nice for a quick hair cut. Not so much for a nice one.

  • en

    Emerson Bostick


    This is the only place i get my hair cut. They are vary nice and professional they always do a great job i always recommend them wen people ask.

  • Perla Granados

    Perla Granados


    Jackie's the best. She's cutting my family hair for 16+ years.

  • Matt Diamond

    Matt Diamond


    I only go here when I'm desperate. By far the worst Supercuts of many that I have frequented all over NY State. With hours still to go before they close and very few people in the building, they will tell you they are too busy "but tomorrow's another day" (this has happened on multiple occasions). Other Supercuts (like in Wappingers on Route 9) will never turn anyone away - they actually will stay open to accommodate anyone who walks in even just before they close. But at this location the hairdresser is #1, and the customer is treated like #2.

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