Happy Nails i Brewster

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1620, New York 22, 10509, Brewster, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-278-1633
internet side: happynails.com
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Latitude: 41.4284517, Longitude: -73.5753319

kommentar 2

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    Erin C


    Poorly managed - they start services and then pull a technician to another client for full mani pedi services while you sit in cold water - they say they will be right back - they don't come back unless you complain. Their pedicures do rock which is why I gave 1 star. But they lost a customer forever. Sucks but they keep disappointing me. Received a SNS manicure and within 9 days it started to chip - they got lazy with the layers. When I asked for more they said it be an up charge. They used to give 5 layers for $40 now it's 3 for $40. The 5 layers my manicure lasted 3 weeks - 3 layers 9 days. Hope they improve and get more organized.

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    Angelina Szabo


    I would love to rate this place a zero. Poor service, absolutely disorganised. People with appts are turned away or made to wait over a half hour, if they just don't walk out themself. No way, never again!!

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