Styles By Monica i Brewster

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973, New York 22, 10509, Brewster, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-582-0895
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Latitude: 41.3972629, Longitude: -73.6034926

kommentar 3

  • russell santana

    russell santana


    True professional and artist.

  • Monica Arias

    Monica Arias


  • en

    Jaime Worthington


    Awful experience. To sum it up without becoming too lengthy and detailed....... I came in for an all-over hair color and ended up walking out with 3 different colors on three different parts of my head. I barely even had a decision in the color that was chosen for me and the two stylists spoke in a different language in front of me when discussing my hair. I also got a haircut, she asked me if I wanted layers and I said no because I was growing it out, yet again she did what she wanted and cut it in layers which look awful for my hair type. When I called a couple days later to see if I can come in and get it fixed, she said no sorry because I used a discount to pay for my services. Now I have to come up with money to go to another salon to get my hair fixed.

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