Staples w Bergenfield

Stany ZjednoczoneStaples



🕗 godziny otwarcia

25, West Central Street, 07621, Bergenfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-244-1100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9340136, Longitude: -73.9963923

komentarze 5

  • Stephen Lynch

    Stephen Lynch


    Convenient and the staff is trying really hard but its got a super weird vibe inside the store

  • Ilias Iliadis

    Ilias Iliadis


    I visited the photocopying dpt. Great service and a very accommodating guy. Thank you.

  • Kelly D.

    Kelly D.


    Terrible customer service. Rude staff. I'd rather drive to the location in Fort Lee. I wasn't that surprised that they could not help. I was surprised at how unprofessional and rude they were. NEVER GOING BACK THIS LOCATION IS AWFUL!

  • Paul Santoro

    Paul Santoro


    I made a order in that store for a pick in a hour. Witch was not done, so I hang around the store till I get a email. I was chased by a employee like I was gonna still something from the store. I was on the phone with a friend of mine on the phone.. this guy was walking behind me. And asked me did u want anything? Because you just walk around. First of all I’m allowed to walk around .. so he asked me did you have a email with the purchase and smirk 😏 like I lied to him. I said I didn’t get a email . But let me double check so I refresh my phone and I saw the email. He have the balls to tell me I’ll walk with you at the front .. like he was walking me out front the store like I did something I pickup my purchase and left I never felt so humiliated in my life.. and I’m going to call the HR tomorrow to report that behavior .. that garbage place.

  • Christian Castaneda

    Christian Castaneda


    Used to come here to get posters for academic conferences printed. The staff at the print center are extremely disorganized and time to completion of project can sometimes be 1 week. They used to be able to print a poster same day... but more recently have been directing me to other Staples locations, saying they are "too busy". When I did come here the quality was very good however. Unfortunately, for a large poster ~36x48 it can be close to $60. Do yourself a favor and print it on Vistaprint for $20

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