Elite Concepts w New Milford

Stany ZjednoczoneElite Concepts



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409, Madison Avenue, 07646, New Milford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-261-6380
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.940334, Longitude: -74.012168

komentarze 5

  • Nick Vega

    Nick Vega


    Customers and Subcontractors beware the owner Joe is a snake, he will disappear when he owes someone money. We were recommended to Joe at Elite Concepts from another contractor we provide services for to clean up a mess of construction debris at one of Joes job sites in December of 2017. We talked to Joe the day prior, went over pricing, got the ok and scheduled the job to be done next day. We cleanup the jobsite next day and of course when it comes time to be paid Joe can't make it to us for payment. So we call him over the next few Days and he keeps telling us it will be mailed and refuses to pay by credit card. Waited 2 weeks still received nothing, and now Joe starts to ignore phone calls, texts, and emails over the course of the next few weeks. 2 Months Later he says he was mailing out the check, we wait another two weeks and still don't receive anything from him in the mail. We're now on month 3 and Joe still has yet to pay us the money we are owed for cleaning up his mess. Very bad look for his business and also made the contractor who recommended him look bad as well. I wouldn't trust doing work for this guy let alone have him do any work at my residence. Wish i would've looked into this company more before providing him our services as I now see from other reviews across multiple other websites that he has screwed other customers and contractors out of money before. Terrible

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    Michael Regina


    Please consider someone else as your GC! My experience was comparable with almost everyone’s reviews. He took a lot of shortcuts including using unlicensed contractors, Please note that elite concepts has started a new page on Build Zoom after the original has been edited now known as simply as “E”. I would encourage all the folks who have posted on the old page to share their experiences so it doesn’t happen to others. I recommend anyone who is considering Elite concepts also check reviews on Angie’s list.

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    Ashley Mutch


    HATED IT IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU RATES YOU AS AN F. do not ever give your money to this company, unless you feel sorry for their terrible work ethic and want to donate to them so they can actually finish projects for people they stole money from and didn't produce anything for. NO KITCHEN AND ALL LIES 8 MONTHS INTO A 5 Week job. TERRIBLE, UNPROFESSIONAL COMPANY. Poor communication, but why would they care? They haven't had to be without a kitchen and eating out of a microwave for 8 months. DON'T EVER USE THIS COMPANY - they fall through on every angle of the job. Next step will be to get lawyers involved. Such a shame, you should be on To Catch a Contractor, or if it gets to that point, maybe you will be. You should feel guilty and terrible for the lies and broken promises made to my family for the kitchen we did not have for Thanksgiving or Christmas. The cabinets that you said were made and shipping, oh wait, they weren't ever made and you lied about that. How about a conference call to sort things out - oh wait, you have been avoiding for 2 weeks because you are a liar. Update. Happy mothers day mom, now 2 consecutive mothers days without a kitchen! Way to ruin holidays and family get together elite concepts!

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    Loren Wayne


    Elite Concepts is a one man, cabinet/design shop that fabricates lies, falsehoods, missed deadlines and doesn’t stand behind the cabinets he managed to finally deliver incomplete, having never seen nor inspected…….after eight months of holding a huge deposit on a $65,000 job. The owner, Joe Edwards, a personable and design savvy guy, will work with you until you give him your deposit and sign his onerous, one-sided contract. After that you are on your own. The support staff in his shop is told to never give any information out to a client, that only he can respond……..which he does selectively and on his own timeframe. Sounds crazy, but this is the unprofessional, exasperating, never ending saga we were part of almost 10 months. We just gave up, exhausted, having lost a substantial amount of money, and only receiving part of our contracted order. Do NOT delude yourself into thinking this just wouldn’t happen to you. We know this to be true from personal experience, but also from a former employee we met after our ordeal, who left precisely due to these unscrupulous practices. We learned too late, but are offering this information to anyone who will listen, so they can avoid our mistakes and not have to suffer the significant losses and stress we had to endure. No amount of spin control from Elite Concepts should dissuade you from taking what we are saying as factual and true.

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    Joanne Romano


    After meeting with several contractors, we believed Joe envisioned our goals and we put our trust in all his efforts. Joe and his staff gutted out our entire Master bath, and adjacent hall bath, and single walk in closet. These spaces evolved into a beautiful spa like Master bath, two Master walk-in closets, reusing material from our previous single walk-in to help reduce cost, and a beautiful modern hall bath. Joe's creativity went above and beyond our expectations. In addition, we asked him to redo a third bath for our home office, and it was transformed into a beautiful, modern full bath. Thank you Joe, Chenoa and staff for all your efforts and patience during our project. We appreciate all your input and guidance. We highly recommend you for your creativity, workmanship, efficiency and prompt attention to all facets of the project! Joanne Romano

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