General Plumbing Supply w Bergenfield

Stany ZjednoczoneGeneral Plumbing Supply



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71, North Washington Avenue, 07621, Bergenfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-244-8500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9300851, Longitude: -73.9954542

komentarze 5

  • andrea alummootil

    andrea alummootil


    Eli Muniz was the best rep I could have asked for! My house came out beautiful because he helped me choose the right products to fit my taste and needs. Words cannot express how happy I am with the results. Eli Muniz is helpful and patient. He was always available to help me when I got frustrated with process of renovating my home. I highly recommend Eli Muniz!

  • en

    Sherri Caminsky


    I just want to say how happy I am working with Julie at the store! I found her very helpful and knowledgeable. She's a pleasure to work with and I know when I decide to renovate my next bathroom I will definitely be going back to see her. I highly recommend the store and she's wonderful!

  • Paul Cohen

    Paul Cohen


    Fantastic customer service in the showroom. Very knowledgeable and friendly people. If you need help for your renovation they provide excellent suggestions and ideas.

  • Dina Morin

    Dina Morin


    I visited many stores in search of the right vanity for our bathroom remodel. I was so happy when I met Julie at General Plumbing Supply. She was so helpful and knowledgeable. It can be overwhelming when trying to get all the right pieces for your new bathroom. Julie helped me every step of the way. I purchased the vanity, sink and light fixture for my bathroom and I am so happy with my new bathroom. The showroom is packed with great displays. Thanks, Julie!

  • en

    Ultimate Filmmakers


    Showroom is not huge but it is such a good location for me. I would rather have the store close so I can go back and forth (which you will need to do if it's a large project) easily. I worked with Wanda and she's awesome. She's a great listener to your needs and has a lot of expertise in working within a budget. If I could I would give Wanda a 5 star rating personally.

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