Sprint w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSprint



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2655, Richmond Avenue, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-370-3151
strona internetowej: dealer.sprint.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5829788, Longitude: -74.1653539

komentarze 5

  • en

    Meesso 2013


    3 days calling them for getting information about my phone shipping tracking but I couldn’t reached

  • en

    IIan Rakhmanov


    Sprint IS Great But Unfortunately The Employee Over There Was Racist To Me, They Had An Attitude With Me but With Other People (Without an Accent) They Were Very Nice And Polite With. I Couldn't Stand it After some Point And Left The Store.

  • en

    Paul Roberts


    Pretty cool place! Was super slammed and they still took care of me! It's so convenient because I can do something with my phone or purchase a new one go shopping come back and it's done even while they are still taking care of customers love it!

  • Kelley Clonan

    Kelley Clonan


    Don't bother with this horrible company! I have had fraud on my account since October when my grandmother was dying in the hospital. They shut off my phone, so I paid whatever I needed to pay at the time. They shipped a new iPhone 7 to an unauthorized address, from my account, and charged me for it! Proved fraud, and I still have past due balances, haven't gotten back the almost $300 I paid in a desperate attempt to get my account turned back on, and 4 months later still getting calls and emails that my account is past due. Absolutely useless. Then, I can't get a human on the phone, because all they want is money that I DON'T owe them! Fraud department has already confirmed it was fraud! Contacting the Better Business Bureau, Federal Trades Commission, Federal Communications Commission and will never recommend sprint again! Negative reviews will be in ever single available place I can manage to put them! Unnecessary stress, and the most horrible time! I repeat, STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM SPRINT AS YOU CAN!!!!!!

  • Stefanie Cocozzelli

    Stefanie Cocozzelli


    Don't get the bad reviews. I came in here and the staff bent over backwards to make sure I got my phone fixed. They were all very friendly and did everything they could to help me. There were only two employees behind the desk at the time (Jonathan and, I believe, Stephanie) and they were both very good and extremely helpful. Probably the best customer service experience I've had at a Sprint store.

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