Spa Exo'tique w Selden

Stany ZjednoczoneSpa Exo'tique



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3, Boyle Road, 11784, Selden, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-696-2424
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.866859, Longitude: -73.049538

komentarze 5

  • Devin Mezey

    Devin Mezey


    Very nice and friendly staff and felt great after our couple massage nice birthday present

  • en



    I’ve been to Spa Exo’tique a few times now for massages and they truly know how to relax and pamper you. Before your treatment they take you to a quiet room to begin relaxing with champagne or a mimosa. You’re then escorted to the massage room and the masseuses work their magic. I always leave feeling so refreshed and renewed! After your massage, you’re served tea and a light snack of fruit with yogurt, and biscotti. I highly recommend this spa; each time I visit, I enjoy it more and can’t wait to go back again!

  • Hope Roecker

    Hope Roecker


    I'm happy to say my friend & I have a new "Go to" Spa in Long Island! We went for Hot Stone Massage yesterday & we're treated with the Full Spa Experience! The staff from beginning to end were professional & went above & beyond to assure our "Afternoon Getaway" was out of a fairy tale! From robes & relaxation AMAZING hot stone massage...ending with hot tea, biscotti with fruit & yogurt to finish our amazing time with them! I'd Highly Recommend Spa Exo'tique to all! 😊

  • Angela Iannello

    Angela Iannello


    The best of the best! The staff is amazing. From the moment you walk in your are so welcomed. Lee the receptionist is a doll! So accommodating and friendly and beautiful inside and out! And Kelly gives the best massage ever! And she is so nice and professional. You will feel renewed! The Mimosa and the fruit and tea you are served are such a bonus. I LOVE Spa Exo'tique!

  • Diana Ilieva

    Diana Ilieva


    If you like to fully relax with a glass of mimosa and the best massage you can find in our vicinity, this is your place. Excellent staff and service.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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