New Diamond Cut Salon w Selden

Stany ZjednoczoneNew Diamond Cut Salon



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237, Selden Plaza, 11784, Selden, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-732-2105
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Latitude: 40.8660909, Longitude: -73.038391

komentarze 1

  • Julia Skyba

    Julia Skyba


    Never make your nails here!!! Otherwise, you will get horrible customer service and damaged nails/fingers. I very regret that went there and did gel nails because Diana (a lady who did my nails) is absolutely not professional. First, she wasn't gentle and careful and as a result, cut my finger with nail file so badly. It was bleeding for day and because I was afraid to get infection, I had to use a plaster bandage with Neosporin. Not very nice for expected manicure. After this incident, she just said "That's how we make nails!" Boom! After, she didn't prepare my nails and cuticula for manicure. Just started to apply gel on what I had. Applying of gel wasn't careful at all. As a result, I got horrible nails with bumps and disgusting look. Next, she doesn't have any understanding of design and beauty of nails. She is only one person who does the nails. For this reason you have to schedule with her an appointment in advance. After 2 weeks, I called and scheduled an appointment for removing ugly nails on next week. At the day when I scheduled an appointment, I called in the morning to confirm our meeting. When I came at the salon, I waited for a few minutes but another woman told me that she left!!!! Booom! How it is possible??? I was waiting for removing my ugly nails for 1 week and she just left the salon without notice and cancellation of my appointment ? Even with a confirmed appointment by her ??? Holding in low esteem clients AND the most unpleasant SERVICE PLACE THAT I HAVE EVER VISITED. In horrible mood, I just went to New Baby 2 Nail salon that locates a few stores on the right side from Diamond Cut Hair and Nail Spa. They have a simple sign NAIL but they offer a high service, amazing personal, and professional manicure/pedicure. HIGHLY RECOMMEND! Love it. They removed my gel nails and return a hope in good manicure masters again. Thank you so much New Baby 2 Nail Salon!

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