Nail Forum w Selden

Stany ZjednoczoneNail Forum


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

85, Middle Country Road, 11784, Selden, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 631-716-0088
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8659031, Longitude: -73.0462773

komentarze 5

  • en



    I’ve been going to this location for over two years and I’m always happy with their service and end results. My daughter also visits the location and loves how her nails look every time! You just need to find your right match when it comes to the employee working on your beauty needs 😉💅🏻👍🏻

  • Brianna Rose

    Brianna Rose


    Scares me that these people are certified. I’ve been here a couple of times. I thought maybe I just had one bad lady — but no I let a few ladies and guys do my nails, they still came off less than 2 weeks. When I go to my nail salon I go to now, my acrylics last about a month! One of the guys who did my fill-in was just completely rude.

  • en

    Cristy Feliciano


    Just love this place. Designs are incredible! Fast and great service!!!!

  • Patricia Sargent

    Patricia Sargent


    I was looking for a nail salon after I moved in to the neighborhood and happened upon this salon when I was going grocery’ shopping at the Selden Plaza. I was extremely happy with the services and the person who took care of my mani/pedi. I have been with David now for almost 2 years. He is a great conversationalist and he is so easy to talk to. Everyone there is extremely friendly, speak well and always have a smile. I have called last minute and have never been turned away. You won’t be disappointed if you frequent this establishment. Enjoy!!!

  • en

    Pamela Demirel


    I have been going to Nail Forum for a while now. Linda is great at doing nails(acrylic and tips) and David is great at pedicures, regular manicures and great, comical conversations. They are all very pleasant.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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