Shear Performance Hair Designs en Thornwood

Estados UnidosShear Performance Hair Designs



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870, Franklin Avenue, 10594, Thornwood, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-769-6304
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.122704, Longitude: -73.781219

comentarios 5

  • Yoredvi Useche

    Yoredvi Useche


  • Elliott K

    Elliott K


  • en

    Cesar Valcarcel


    Excellent service, affordable prices.

  • en

    Anthony C


    I and my family have been coming here for years. Excellent staff and service. My wife, sons and daughter are happy with the way their hair comes out all the time. Thank you Olga.

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    Danielle Gallo


    IF I HAD THE OPTION OF GIVING THIS 0 STARS I WOULD!!! I had bought a groupon for bialage highlights, cut and blow dry for $79 for shear performance in thornwood (I should of known by the price, you get what u pay for) well anyway... I went on Friday morning to go get my hair COLORED and highlighted.... The owner of the place who also did the work on me told me I didn't need color I just needed the highlights cause it will cover the grays.... I told her I didn't mind paying and showed her a pic of what I wanted my hair to look like... Well at the end of the day she didn't do the color and the highlights came out ORANGE!! So I called her all upset and she agreed to redo them with me just paying for the color...i said that was fine and didn't expect the whole thing free... I just called to make the appt for my hair and she told me that the COLOR is usually $100 but she will give it to me for $80 cause my hair is LONG!! Umm are u kidding me?!? U just did a cut on me so it's just past my shoulders!! I also told her I got a quote of $50 she told me that was for ROOTS!!! We left off where she didn't want to help me cause she didn't want any problems!!

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