Ariana Day Spa en Thornwood

Estados UnidosAriana Day Spa



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590, Commerce Street, 10594, Thornwood, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-773-2300
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1153107, Longitude: -73.7895447

comentarios 5

  • en

    Adgee G


    Excellent Spa. I have been here multiple times and always get a great professional massage. The staff is friendly and knows who you are, which makes you feel very comfortable. I would highly recommend trying Miriana Spa.

  • Dana George

    Dana George


    Small spa, great service. Quiet, intimate, no sauna or dressing room.

  • en

    Abby Ellsworth


    Although it is not like some of the bigger massage chains that have amenities, the quality of massage was fantastic.

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    Ruby T


    I had a wonderful time here! I came with my daughter and husband a few weeks ago. My daughter and I both got facials and my husband had a foot massage. I have very sensitive skin and I told the owner that I was worried about that so she recommended the lavender facial for me. I loved the scent of everything in the spa, it puts you at ease the second you walk in. Not to mention, I could not get over how good the products that they were using felt on my skin! I also was pleasantly surprised at not having any allergic reaction to what they used so I know the quality of their products had to have been very high. The owner even added in a free foot massage! I have absolutely nothing negative to say and would definitely recommend this spa to anyone!

  • en

    Winnie Fralick


    My husband and I had a couples hot stone massage this past weekend for my birthday. I've only had one other massage my whole life (Swedish, deep tissue) so I wasn't sure what to expect. We both LOVED it!! It was much more relaxing and not as 'painful' as I experienced with the Swedish massage. The spa was very quaint, beautiful and peaceful. Everyone there was extremely accommodating and made us feel very welcome! We would certainly go back

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