Nail Expression en Thornwood

Estados UnidosNail Expression



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1024, Broadway, 10594, Thornwood, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-741-2510
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1265925, Longitude: -73.7792461

comentarios 2

  • en

    Chris Frank


    I would like to give a -5 stars but that's not an option. They are overpriced, rude and do a terrible job. My nails chipped and cracked after 2 hours, literally. I went back to have them fixed and the owner Sara made them even worse than the first girl Amanda or some "A" name young girl worker. The owner was rude and actually hurt my fingers to where I could barely touch them or pick anything up for a full day. I would sue them on principle if it wasn't such a hassle. I am disgusted and my nails are terribly thin and raw and I wasted time and money. THEY DON'T DESERVE THE BUSINESS. Unfortunately there are very few decent places, there are many, but they typically all do a decent job on the first visit then it's downhill from there. It would be so refreshing to have some English speaking American salons to support, perhaps it's cultural but most foreign owned nail salons seem to be cut from the same rude, shrewd and careless mold, not to mention the fake and disingenuous attitudes.

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    Sandra Lieber


Salón de belleza más cercano

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