Sears Appliance Repair en Massapequa

Estados UnidosSears Appliance Repair



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800, Sunrise Mall, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-272-4486
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6848148, Longitude: -73.4339102

comentarios 5

  • Ashley Obenshine

    Ashley Obenshine


    great service. they fixed fridge in 10 minutes!! Guy knew just what to do and didn't waste time

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    Ann Clyde


    Upon using it a few days later, discovered that the incline mechanism didn't work. He was here for two hours and I would think that part of the diagnostics before leaving would have included running it and checking that it inclined properly.

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    Meg Allstadt


    This time around, workers from Square One Service, a sub-contractor of Sears, did the service on my washer (Whirlpool Model WFC7500VW1). I have had many problems overall with this machine since the day I bought it (mostly with the door lock and "clean washer cycle"). I've also had may service people from A & E Service try to resolve those issues. But the issues remained. Finally, a technician from A and E actually took the time to trouble shoot, problem solve, and analyze the door lock problem and realized all along that this model had a design flaw with the button not properly making contact with the door and fixed it with a simple application of a felt pad to push the button in. Since then the machine has started every time and occasionally, I need to change the felt pad when it wears down. As for the "clean wash cycle", he said that this was a general problem with this model and to use the "quick wash cycle" (without laundry) to clean the machine. My newest problem was that the drum was not spinning efficiently and the clothes were coming out soaking wet and heavy. I thought it needed a new belt. However, this time, when the worker from Square One arrived, he realized that even though the drum turned, the motor had been bad or defective all along and that that was the source of not only the problem but why some of the cycles weren't working. The motor and (for safe measure) the belt were replaced and now the machine is not only much quieter, the clothes come out better than ever AND the "clean washer cycle" is working (at least for now). This man, George, from Square One was such a pleasure to work with because he really knew his stuff (and my machine). I loved my experience with that tech who finally discovered the model's design flaw. Nevertheless, this time around, I really loved my experience and would highly recommend using the Square One Service and George.

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    Robert Hoffman


    The repair man was very nice and competent. However, Sears scheduling needs a lot to be desired. The issue was with my gas burner. We didn't have heat in the house for all of November and part of December. If it wasn't for my wood stove, my wife and kids would have froze.

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    Edward Rose


    The service people were professional and personable. They came during the time frame and worked efficiently. My problem was the length of time (3 weeks) that it took for the service appointment, then an additional 2 weeks to receive and install the required part. This even though Sears was given the problem code at the time of the initial call and had advised that the problem was with the oven control panel. Not having a replacement part on the initial service call and having to be without use of an oven for 5 weeks is problematic.

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