Al's Oil Services en Amityville

Estados UnidosAl's Oil Services


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42, Burch Avenue, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-842-9011
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6805898, Longitude: -73.4225962

comentarios 5

  • Kashmir



    These people are doing fraud with people especially when they called for mentinance for heating system.they charge triple price for parts and they also kill time to find problems.they over charge and then they never listen.plz stay away from them.

  • en

    Thomas Pigott


    Great Crew. Very Professional

  • en

    edward munsinger


    Called for 300 gallons of oil and was asked to leave 820.00 dollars. Left 820.00 dollars, the total cost came to 800.00 dollars. The driver took the 820.00 dollars and wrote on the receipt that he only took 800.00 dollars. When I called the company I was told that they do not leave any change. I was then told that I was wrong and only left 800.00 dollars. Was told a supervisor would call but he never did. Even called back again a couple of days later and still have not heard back. WILL NEVER USE THIS COMPANY AGAIN!

  • James G

    James G


    Awsome oil prices and awesome service!

  • en

    soheila nasri


    When I called to confirm my date of service, the receptionist told me to call back next day to find out the time that the service man will be at my house. I called in the morning and she told me rudely that I should call between 9:30 and 10 to find out about the time. I did not go to work and waited for them to show up. Then two men showed up later and I asked them politely to take off their dirty and oily shoes because it was raining out. I asked them if they had the disposable shoe covers. They said no. I nicely explained to them that I have a brand new light color carpet in my basement. They rudely told me that I should put a tarp to cover the carpet. I said don't you have one? They said no and they told me that it was my responsibility to cover the carpet. Then, they turned around and left and told me to call to make another appointment. It took me 4 weeks to make an appointment with them. I called the receptionist and explained what happened and she hung up on me! Do we have a shortage of servicemen? If you are thinking of giving them business, please think twice. We have to teach them a lesson to treat their customers with dignity and care. They need us to give them business. We don't need them!

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