Auto-Topia en Amityville

Estados UnidosAuto-Topia



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233, County Line Road, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-797-0029
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6792139, Longitude: -73.4242902

comentarios 5

  • Kurtiz B

    Kurtiz B


    Good honest work. Extremely trustworthy mechanics with great knowledge and years of experience. I highly recommend going to the shop. You don't have to go to the dealer they can do the work also at a much better price.

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    Charles Verdolino


    Tony and his crew are the best! They explained everything the car needed made sure I was comfortable with what needs to be done. I recommend him to all my family and friends.

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    Al Boccio


    These guys are great, they went out of their way to remove our back seat to unlock the trunk that was stuck. Really nice people.

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    Liz Fanning Holdorf


    Wonderful! Tony and his staff are attentive, fast, and friendly, and offer cost-effective options. I recently got a NYS inspection and new set of tires for an excellent price. I'm happy to have a mechanic/garage I can trust.

  • Jesse Boiko

    Jesse Boiko


    Just bought a 2001 Jeep grand Cherokee from them and the service was excellent! Everyone was so kind and helpful and got me in my car right away. They not only sell cars but they fix them too which made me feel better and I knew I wasn't buying a car that was falling apart. I will be going to them if I need anything for my car.

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