Rockin' Pretty Stylz w Melville

Stany ZjednoczoneRockin' Pretty Stylz



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15, Reinhart Court, 11747, Melville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-336-2977
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7882395, Longitude: -73.4027107

komentarze 5

  • Debzy Deb

    Debzy Deb


    My favorite hairstylist in the whole world. I love the way she does my hair. I've been a client of her for close to three years and I would gladly recommend her to anyone. She is efficient and always does the best hairstyle. As you can see my profile pic that's my hairstyle done by her.

  • Shawnda Miller

    Shawnda Miller


    Great stylist and very versatile in all textures of hair. I will definitely call her a master stylist. She has been doing my hair since high school.

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    Jaime Gaynor


    I’ve been seeing Yolanda for a couple years now and I couldn’t be happier!! I’ve always been very anxious about my hair since it’s definitely on the thinner side and thanks to Yolanda I’m no longer self conscious about it! I now get extensions put in by her and she’s been so honest and informative throughout the whole process. From teaching me about the type of extension and “installation” process that’s best for me to the way I should maintain my hair, I’ve never been to a stylist that is so honest and that’s something that I love! She also gives me the best hair cuts that work well for my hair type. Last, I love how easy it is to schedule an appointment with her! She really goes out of her way to fit you in when it’s good for you, even if it’s a last minute appointment. Highly recommend Yolanda to everyone!

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    Julie Raroha


    I perform Latin and ballroom dance. I had gone to a salon called Salon Notre in Dix Hills. I walked in with red hair down to my waist asking for a dark ombre on the edges and a trim. I left with uneven black and burgundy hair 4 inches shorter than I agreed to. Yolanda saved me from a nightmare dye job and hair cut. With her color correction, extensions, time and care, my locks have been restored to their former glory. And just in time for my performance. I am so appreciative for her time, talents and friendship. She even made me laugh when I wanted to cry. Thanks Yolanda! Love you girl!

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    Adrienne Haughton


    AMAZING!!!! Yolanda is truly focused on HEALTHY & BEAUTIFUL hair! She takes the time to get to know you and what you want to do with you hair, and will take your style to the next level. Last time she cut my hair I received countless compliments. Plus her salon is private, you truly receive individual attention, and the experience is relaxing. I cannot recommend her enough.

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