Metamorphosis New York w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneMetamorphosis New York



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1865, New Highway, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-396-7480
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Latitude: 40.752034, Longitude: -73.414015

komentarze 5

  • Beata Pesantez

    Beata Pesantez


    No! No! No! Please do yourself a favor and DO NOT hire Faten Peters!!!! She should stopped working with brides. I booked an appointment with Faten for a trial and loved the way my hair came out, however on the day of it looked COMPLETELY different and horrible. What happened??? I can not believe that a „professional” stylist can mess up your wedding hair. I trusted her. We started very early in the morning and I was supposed to be ready by 1pm. My photographers and videographers came at 1pm and Faten was still working on my hair! Everyone started to hurry us up and finally my hair was done. When I looked at myself in the mirror I cried but it was too late to do it over. She spent hours to create this????!!!! I just hated it! When I look at my wedding pictures I cry out loud because of the hair. I'm depressed and feel like deleting all of them. I just can't look at myself! I swear, I'm falling into depression because of that. My mom wasn’t happy with her hair either. Faten couldn’t style a simple short hair bob. I do not recommend her services!

  • Tiffany Coach

    Tiffany Coach


    I'm so glad I'm finally getting to write this review, it is deserved and long overdue. Juliana did make up for my mom and I for my wedding on 7/2/17. I have had my make up done professionally before, but no one has make me look and feel as beautiful as Juliana did on my wedding day. It's been almost a month since the wedding and my husband is still gazing at pictures of me from that day saying how beautiful I was. My mom felt more beautiful than she has in years. She was so sad when she had to take the the make up off at the end of the evening; so was I. Juliana is such a talented, artistic soul. She doesn't cover up your natural beauty, she enhances it  and makes you look amazing. Juliana and her assistant that day Celia showed up early, on point and ready to go. They both have wonderful personalities and always have a smile. Thank you so much Juliana for making feel and look extra special xoxox.

  • Cassandra Newman

    Cassandra Newman


    I used Renee & Maria for makeup and hair (respectively) from Metamorphosis for my 5/12/17 wedding. I met them both at a showcase at Chateau Briand which Metamorphosis is a recommended vendor for, as well as my venue, The Fox Hollow. Not only were they super sweet and informative, but what intrigued me is that the money I would spend on trials would go towards my final balance which I really appreciated. They came to my apartment before my engagement shoot for my first trial. They were both so prepared and listened to my ideas and preferences. When I eventually changed my mind about both my hair and makeup, they both adjusted everything until I was happy with everything for my second trial the day of my shower. The day of my wedding they came to my moms house and did all 4 of my girls hair & makeup beautifully, and Renee even agreed to do my mom’s makeup last minute when she decided she didn’t want to do it herself (and after seeing what an amazing job she did on everyone else!). Maria took the time to teach my bridesmaids how to change and pin my headband before the reception because I wanted to change after the ceremony. They both made sure I felt beautiful and exactly how I wanted to look, and of course we all had such a great morning and so much fun getting ready with them! I would highly recommend both of them!

  • Ashley Rubio

    Ashley Rubio


    Completely professional talented makeup artist that want to help you look beautiful for a wedding or succeed in the feild!

  • Iya M Gabre

    Iya M Gabre


    This review is long overdue, but this was the first chance I had. I got married on 1/3/16. Mariana did my makeup and Faten did my hair.Both are great personalities to work with. However, I was not happy with my look on my wedding day at all. I am sure they know what they are doing, but I truly expected more (in terms of "proficiency") for the price I paid. To say the least, i looked like a clown. I showed Marianna a video of what i wanted done.She did my makeup with the sun shining right on me by the window. Off the sun, the colors were completely off. The video had gradient shades of black and grey on my eyes. she used blue all the way up to my eyebrows and winged the color out so much that i looked like the joker. when my mom saw it, she asked her to remove all of that excess and to lighten up the top. she lightly removed with her finger and put some other color ON TOP of the blue. Which made it even worse. she did not draw my eyes the way i wanted.My face was red with way too much blush and did not match my neck. On my lips, she used this BRIGHT red/pink color.If you can imagine eyes painted blue with bright reddish lipstick. The joker. I was so upset but couldn't let that get to me on my wedding.i felt like she was lazy to remove and redo what i asked for.I also felt like she was in a rush to pack up and leave because she had an event to go to afterwards. It wasn't only me who saw this.The photographer even noticed and asked when we were taking pictures. When I got my photos back, that is when i knew I was right. Her mistakes were very obvious in all my photos (available if you want to see).A few months later, I had my overdue engagement shoot. I hired an amazing artist named Huda from Lejamalik to redo my makeup, wore my wedding dress again and redid my photos. Huda is perfection and knows her shades,colors,and how to bring out the best facial features. To be honest, i wouldn't go with Meta again.Faten was alright.My hair didn't stay, puffed up, curls fell out.

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